Puzzle Warriors 3 One-Hundred Fifty-third episode. (Podcast #153)
"Stay chill and low-key"

Covering 8/8-8/15  2018


* This weeks events:

 : Deadpool dailies:
wed, yel rocket, thu yel spidey, fri pur daredevil, sat blu shehulk, sun red deadpool, mon gre gamora, tur gre widow, wed bla loki
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ : Crash of the Titans:
8/6 was agent venom, 8/11 is coulson

​​​​​* PVE Events: 

 : unstable iso, 3 gamora, blu ghost, 30cp. 1-50 is valkyrie, 51-400 is vision
​ : Come and get me

​​​​​​​​​​​* PVP Events:

 : Space Stone Season
 : Shield Sim, red psylocke, 3 strange, pur ghost
​ : blueshift, blu quicksilver, bla eddie venom, 15cp. 1-10 is valkyrie, 11-50 is psylocke

* Loki, god of mischief

* Come and Get Me event

* First 10 Years Celebration

​​​* And, this week BOOSTED CHARACTERS:

4-Star: Ant-Man, Black Panther (King of Wakanda), Black Widow (Infinity War), Gamora (Awesome Mix Volume 2), Valkyrie
3-Star: Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange), Quicksilver, Rocket & Groot (Most Wanted), Scarlet Witch, Vision
2-Star: Bullseye (Dark Avengers), Thor (Marvel NOW!)
1-Star: Hawkeye (Classic), Spider-Man (Original)


A Podcast for fans of Marvel Puzzle Quest **